Monday, February 19, 2018

Another Feb Update

Blackwater Gulch Bloodwolf Tribe

Reaper Sasquatch

Reaper Werebear

Reaper Demon Fly

Played a game of TNT

Objective Tokens 
Flower enemy from RBJGC for TNT

Total since last update: 17
Terrain: 0

Fantasy: 0

Sci Fi: 0

*M/S/P: 2

%M/W: 15

Projects Completed: 1 (Blackwater Gulch Bloodwolf Tribe)

Total Painted 2018: 51

Terrain: 5

Fantasy: 0

Sci Fi: 24

*Modern/Supers/P: 4

%Malifaux/Western: 18

Projects Completed: 4
[RBJgc kickstarter]
[Brimstone Raptor Pack]
[Western Hotel]
[Bloodwolf Tribe]

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Feburary is off to a great start.

Reaper Bones Dumpster is painted from the Kickstarter.

Reaper bones container from the Kickstarter also. 

Painted my sons 40k bunker. He had it for a few years and finally finished it.

Another view

Mars attacks terrain done. This has been a long time on the back burner glad to have it done.

Masters of the Universe. I loved some MOTU when I was a kid. When i found out about the minis I had to get them. 

I still have Man at arms, He man and teela to finish

My western Hotel is cmplete. I set up a board to see how my table looks. Now to play some games.

Inside view top floor

Inside view bottom floor

Played star finder RPG. I play a medic, my duagher plays a mechanic. It was a lot of fun. Not for the casual gamer though/

Shadows of Brimsone raptor with reape raptors. 

The reaper raptors were like 7 bucks, the brimstone was like 30, and you need 3 so I bought some from reaper. I searched a few dollar stores and could not find any I liked.

The Hotel will count as a project because it was so friggin huge. Even though the raptor pack was 3 models it still was an expansion. I will try to do at least an expansion of SOB once a month. Also MOTU counts as sci fi. When i finish the last 3 that will be a project done :)

Total since last update: 11
Terrain: 5

Fantasy: 0

Sci Fi: 3

*M/S/P: 0

%M/W: 3

Projects Completed: 2 (Brimstone Raptor Pack and Western Hotel)

Total Painted 2018: 34

Terrain: 5

Fantasy: 0

Sci Fi: 24

*Modern/Supers/P: 2

%Malifaux/Western: 3

Projects Completed: 3 
[RBJgc kickstarter]
[Brimstone Raptor Pack]
[Western Hotel]